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Become a Mental Health Champion with Holmfirth Tech

We are thrilled to be able to host a brilliant course ‘Mental Health for Your and Others’ with the aim to raise awareness of issues that may effect you personally and those around you.  It is hoped that those attending will feel equipped to support others who are struggling with mental health issues and become Mental Health Champions.  The course is led by Jamie Carroll, Pathway Development Lead for Mental Health and Active for Life from Kirklees Wellness Service, who leads a free 3 hour standlone course that will be repeated on a monthly basis from Tuesday 17th October 2023 until March 2024.

In our inaugural course in September these were some of the comments:

‘The course was delivered clearly and easy to understand’. ‘The sharing of personal experiences amongst the group was very helpful to me’.  ‘Excellent course, very well led.’

The Course Content will cover the definition of mental health and it’s associated perceptions and discuss what good mental health looks like.  The discussion will then turn to how you can best influence mental health in others and how to offer help and support in crisis moments.   A really helpful course which is open to all members of the local and business community to attend with tickets available eventbrite:
Course details: Mental Health for Your and Others
Course Dates:  Tuesday 17th October 9.30am – until 12.30pm (then 9.30am – 12.30pm on Tuesday 21st Nov, 19th, Dec 2023, 16th Jan, 20th Feb, 19th Mar 2024)
Course cost: Free
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