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Holmfirth Tech serves the community

Holmfirth Tech is delighted the Holme Valley South Labour Party has chosen the Tech to be its parliamentary campaign office.  Cllr Paul Davies, the Labour Party’s parliamentary candidate, will be based at the Tech during the run up to the next General Election, whenever that may be.

Having Paul in the building will hopefully attract more people into the Tech as well as enable them to talk to one of the parliamentary candidates.  Having a location close to the town centre in an easily assessable place was of paramount importance to Paul as he wants to meet as many people as possible regardless of their political views.  And new visitors to the Tech will be able to see the massive progress we have made since we brought the building back for the benefit of the people of Holmfirth.

The range of activities and facilities available now in the Tech include Barclay’s Bank, which is open three days a week, an exhibition space for local artists as well as meeting rooms for classes and an ever-increasing number of other events.  Further details of these can be found on our website

The Business Suite on the first floor is fully occupied.  The Light Room is equipped with a smart board and facilities for video conferencing, making it suitable for training as well as business meetings, and work is underway to make the Rock Room more suitable for bands, rehearsal and music lessons.  The kitchen has been upgraded to commercial standard so the Tech is available for functions.

The Tech needs constant repair so we have just launched our 2023/24 Winter appeal for funds to help fix the leaking central heating system.  The income we will receive from the Labour Party will be a welcomed contribution to help us cover the increased energy bills as well as our other necessary expenditure.

Do drop in to visit Paul, chat to a financial advisor or have a look around.  The Tech is open to everyone.

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